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Department of Computer Science

BS in Software Engineering


The Department of Computer Science is committed for its advancement so that our graduates lead education and research through developing technical competence and expertise by exhibiting best professional, ethical and intellectual values in computing and allied fields.


The Department of Computer Science aims to provide excellent education through advanced teaching and research methodologies that cater for present needs and future challenges of ever evolving computing industry. The Department empowers graduates with a wide range of opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills to solve complex technological problems of modern society by inducing ethical values and spirit of social and professional commitments.


  • The department aims to provide high quality undergraduate and graduate education in computer science by enhancing teaching effectiveness, refining curriculum to keep the program current with the rapidly changing computer technology and providing equipment/facilities for students to access and gain practical experience.
  • The department also aims to provide effective academic advising to promote student learning and development outcomes and achievement of educational goals.
  • The department will facilitate the faculty to remain current in the discipline through professional development and scholarly activities and increase opportunities for and number of collaborative faculty/student research projects.

BS Software Engineering

Eligibility Criteria:

  • HSSC/ A- levels or Equivalent examination with Mathematics with at least 50% marks.
  • Candidates with pre-medical group will have to pass two Mathematics courses in first two semesters.
  • At least 50% marks in NHU entrance test and Interview.
  • Result awaiting students can also apply.

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Prof. Dr. Sohail Abdul Sattar (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Sohail Abdul Sattar (Chairman)

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