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Prof. Dr. Faizullah Mahar

Prof. Dr. Faizullah Mahar Professor

Prof. Dr. Faizullah Mahar

Chairman Engineering Practices and Sciences


Achieved his Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering in 2010, worked at a position of professor in Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar- Pakistan from 1992 to December, 2019.He also has been worked in several managements and involve in different research project since 1992. At present, he is working as a professor of faculty of Engineering Practices and Sciences in Nazeer Hussain University Karachi-Pakistan.


  • 1987-1990 Instructor: Pakistan Navy Electrical School, PNS Karsaz, Karachi-Pakistan
  • 1990-1992 Lecturer Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering (IIEE) PCSIR, Karachi
  • 1990-1991 Junior Engineers: Trailer Development Corporation (TDC), a PACO company Maintenance cum research of 200 vehicles.
  • 1992 -2002 Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar
  • 2002 -2003 Associate Professor in Department of computer science and information Technology, Balochistan University Engineering & Technology Khuzdar
  • 2003-2012 Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar
  • 2012-2016 Associate Professor and Chairman Department of Electrical Engineering, Balochistan University Engineering &Technology Khuzdar
  • 2016-2018 Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering and Director ORIC Balochistan University Engineering &Technology Khuzdar.
  • Jan-2020-Onwards Professor in Nazeer Hussain University.


  • 2010 PhD (Electronic Engineering), with 3.67 CGPA, IQRA University, Main Campus Defense View, Karachi, Pakistan
  • 1991 M.S. (CS), with 71.5% of marks. NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi- Pakistan
  • 1987 B.E (Electrical Engineering), with Excellent Academic Record (85.85% of marks) Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro-Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Faizullah Mahar Professor


Journal Publications:

[1] Faizullah Mahar, Design Implementation and Performance of Tabu Search based controller, Universal Journal of Control and Automation ISSN: 2331-6500,vol.4 No.2 p.p 11-17

[2] Faizullah Mahar, Tunning of PID controller Using Genetic Algorithm, Universal journal Of Control and Automation, ISSN: 2331-6500, vol.2 No.1 p.p 8-10

[3] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Saad Azhar Fixed Order Robust Controller Design using H∞ Loop Shaping and Genetic Algorithm for Ball and Hoop System, accepted for publication in Texas Journal of Sciences (TJS), USA

[4] Faizullah Mahar, Robust Controller Design using H∞ Loop shaping and Immune Algorithm for Ball and Hoop System, The horizon, The journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Pakistan vol. 81-82, pp.53-58 (HEC Y-category)

[5] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Saad Azhar and Ayaz Husain, “EOTs Based Fixed Order Robust Controller Design and Comparison Performance Analysis”, International journal of machine Learning and Computing vol.1, No.3, June 2012, pp.345-350.

[6] Faizullah Mahar and Syed Saad Azhar Ali, “Ant Colony Optimization Based Fixed Order Robust Controller Design and Robustness Analysis”, American journal of scientific research, [ISI indexed], issue 54, February, 2012, pp.92-100.

[7] Faizullah Mahar and Syed Saad Azhar Ali, “Evolutionary Algorithms Based Fixed Order Robust Controller Design and Robustness Performance Analysis, American journal of scientific re-search, [ISI indexed], issue 51, February, 2012, pp.16-26.

[8] Faizullah Mahar , Syed Saad Azhar Ali and Ayaz Husain, “Design of Fixed Order Controller by Using Particle Swarm Optimization and System Simulation,” International journal for computer information systems and industrial management applications, ISSN 2150-7988 Volume 4 (2012) pp. 459-466

[9] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Saad Azhar Ali and Abid Karim, “Design of fixed order robust controller using Hnorm and evolutionary techniques: comparison and performance analysis, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS), Vol.29 No.1, pp.131-140 Jan-June, 2010 (HEC approved “X” category journal)

[10] Faizullah Mahar, “Model of Commercialization for Solar Photovoltaic System”, the Science Vision a Journal of commission on science & Technology for sustainable development in the south (ISSN1027-96IX) Vol.9 No.1-2 (July-Dec 2003) & No.3-4 (Jan-June) 2004 pp.27-36 ( HEC approved journal till 2005)

[11] Faizullah Mahar, “Information Retrieval Z39.50 for Protocol Specification”, Pakistan Journal of Information & Technology (ISSN: 1682-6027), 2(2): pp.140-147, April-June 2003 ( HEC approved journal till , 2005)

[12] Faizullah Mahar, “Role of Information Technology for Transaction Processing System”, Journal of Information & Technology (ISSN: 1682-6027), 2(2): pp. 128-134, April-June 2003 ( HEC approved journal, till 2005)

[13] Faizullah Mahar, “Information Technology for Management and Decision Support Systems”, Pakistan Journal of Information and Technology (ISSN: 1682-6027), pp. 58-60 January-March 2003. ( HEC approved journal, till 2005)

[14] Faizullah Mahar, “Photovoltaic Systems for Rural Electrification in Balochistan”, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Pakistan. (ISSN: 1024-6223), pp.13-15, January 2002.

[15] Faizullah Mahar, “System Sizing for Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1023-862) Vol. 20, N0. 2, pp. 58-63 July-Dec 2001 ( HEC approved “X” category journal)

[16] Faizullah Mahar, “Solar Based Rural Electrification in Balochistan”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1023-862), Vol. 20, pp .97-100, Jan-June 2001 ( HEC approved “X” category journal)

[17] Faizullah Mahar, “Photovoltaic Technology Transfer for Rural Electrification in the Developing Countries”, journal of Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineer’s Pakistan, pp. 42-48. Vol. No. XXXIV Jan-Dec 2001(HEC approved Y category journal)

[18] Faizullah Mahar, Solar PV Energy for Rural Electrification in Pakistan, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science. (ISSN: 1023-862), Vol. 19, pp.65-69 Jan.-June, 2000 (HEC approved “X” category journal)

[19] Faizullah Mahar, Solar Energy PV for Rural Development in Balochistan, Journal of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Pakistan April-June 1995. (HEC approved Y category journal)

[20] Faizullah Mahar, “Solar PV Energy for Rural Development in Balochistan”, Journal of IEEEP Vol. XXXII April-June 1995 & IEEEP Silver Jubilee Convention, November 22-23,1995(HEC approved Y category journal)

Conference Publications:

[1] Faizullah Mahar and Muhammad Amin, “Entrepreneurial Development: Role of Technology” International Conference on Innovation and Emerging Trends in business management (ICIEBM’16) Iqra University (IU) Karachi

[2] Faizullah Mahar Ishtiaq ahmed, Tuning of PID Controller using Genetic Algorithm for Ball and Hoop System, ICCAS- 2014, South Korea

[3] Faizullah Mahar, “ACO and SA based controllerdesign comparison on performance Analysis”1st International cnference on Modren communication and Computing Technologies (MCCT’ 14) Feb.2014, MUET Jamshoro

[4] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Mushtaq Ahmed Shah and Sohrab Khan, PSO and GA Based Fixed Order Robust Controller Design: Comparison and Performance Analysis, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET’2013) Dec. 25-26, 2013, pp.16-21 Bangkok (Thailand).

[5] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Mushtaq Ahmed Shah and Sohrab Khan, Fixed Order Robust Controller Design Using H∞ Loop Shaping And Immune Algorithm For Ball And Hoop System , Dec. 18-20, 2013, accepted for presentation in 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and accepted Applications (SKIMA 2013) Chaing Mai (Thailand).

[6] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Mushtaq Ahmed Shah and Sohrab Khan , A Comparative Study On Particle Swarm Optimization And Immune Algorithms For Fixed Order Controller Design, acceped for presentation HKICEAS 2013

[7] Faizullah Mahar, Zohaibdin Bhutto and Ayaz Hussain, Robust Controller Design Using H∞ Loop Shaping And Immune Algorithm For Pneumatic System , accepted for presentation in, International conference on advance communication Technology (ICACT2013) Dec. 26-27, 2013, jejoo ( South Korea).

[8] Faizullah Mahar, Syed Saad Azhar Ali and Zohaibdin Bhutto,”A Comparative Study on Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithms for Fixed Order Controller Design”, Emerging Trends and Applications in Information Communication Technologies Communications in Computer and Information Science 2012, Volume 281, pp.284-294

[9] Faizullah Mahar, and Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Evolutionary Algorithms Based Fixed Order Robust Controller Design and Robustness Performance Analysis, International proceeding on computer science and information technology vol.25 Feb. 2012 pp.137-142.

[10] Faizullah Mahar and Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Simulated annealing based fixed order controller design and system simulation, proceedings 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE 2011) pp. 178-183 , 4 – 7 December, 2011, Penang, Malaysia.

[11] Faizullah Mahar and Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Ant colony optimization based fixed order controller design and system simulation, Proceedings of 2011 International conference on control automation and system pp. 1369-1372, Oct. 2011, South Korea.

[12] Faizullah Mahar and Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Particle Swarm Optimization based fixed order controller design and system simulation, Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing and pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2010) Cergy- Pontoise Paris France, pp.152-155, December 7-10, 2010, Paris France.

[13] Faizullah Mahar and Syed Saad Azhar Ali and Abid Karim, Immune Algorithm based fixed order controller design and system simulation proceeding of 2010 International Symposium on Signals Systems and Electronics, (ISSSE) Vol.1, pp.18-21, Sept 17-20, 2010. Nanjing, China.

[14] Abdul Basit, Faizullah Mahar and Basit Hassan; “Analysis of Coupling Effect in Holey Fiber, Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2008(ICCAS 2008) Seoul, South Korea

[15] Faizullah Mahar and Zahid Hussein Abro, “Digital Divide: a perspective study”, International Conference on Human Resources Development, March 19-20, 2003, Balochistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta, Balochistan

[16] Faizullah Mahar, “Solar PV Technology Transfer for Rural Electrification in the Developing Countries”, The 5th International Conference of the UK based Third World Science Technology Development Forum on Technology and Development in the new millennium from 24-27 April 2000

[17] Faizullah Mahar, “System Sizing for Photovoltaic Water Pumping”, proceedings of the 5th International UK based Conference on Technology Development in the new Millennium from 24th –27th April 2000

[18] Faizullah Mahar, “Reduction of Energy cost through Conservation and Solar Measures”, Proceedings of Second International Electrical Engineering Congress, pp. 207-218 July 2001.

[19] Faizullah Mahar, “Solar Electric Energy System Sizing”, Proceedings of 2nd International Electrical Engineering Congress, pp. 183-195, July 2001.

[20] Faizullah Mahar and Barkat Ali Sheikh, “Principles of Sustainable Development”, First International Civil Engineering Congress 16-17, September 2000

[21] Faizullah Mahar, “Multi-Chip Module Material Selection and Advanced Interconnected Technology”, 3rd International Seminar on Engineering Materials and Meteorology, 13-14 November, 2000

[22] Faizullah Mahar, Hermiticity and joining in Ceramic IC Packages, 3rd International Seminar on Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, 13-14 November 2000

[23] Faizullah Mahar and Muhammad Wazir Ali, ‘Network Performance Analysis”, first International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition “ Expotech” 26th to 28th May, 2001 Karachi Pakistan

[24] Faizullah Mahar, “Solar PV energy for Rural Electrification in Balochistan”, 2nd International Electrical engineering Congress 9th-10th July 2002

[25] Faizullah Mahar, “Procurement Installation and Monitoring for Solar Photovoltaic Water pump”, Proceedings of First International Water Conference, pp. 78-88 17th-19th July, 2000.